Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rainy Nasty Weather

Hey Y'all,
Today has been a lot of rain and cold weather. I drove to church and nobody was there. I called the pastor and he told me so many people have called him and said they were not going to make it because of the weather, that he cancelled church. I came home and made a meatloaf and put it in the oven and we ate awhile ago.

Tomorrow is the first and I'm glad. I am almost completely broke, with only a few dollars left.
C has a appointment in the morning at the VA in Atlanta. We are going down there in the morning.

Well take it easy!

Feeling better and it's cold outside

Hey Y'all,
It's supposed to be 43 tonight with a high of 47 tomorrow. A little chilly for this part of the country, this time of year.

I am feeling better than I have been the last few days. I am still blowing infection out of my nose. I am taking some anti biotic that I have left over. They are helping me get well. The church prayed for me the other night and ever since they have, I have been steadily getting better. My pastor told me to eat some raw garlic but I just couldn't bring myself to it. I like garlic a lot but I can't eat it raw.

C has the sniffles but she isn't as sick as I have been, Thank God. One of us has to stay well.

I got one more day to go and then it will be the 1st. I will be able to make it till then I think. God has brought us thru another month. Next month and the next couple/ 3-4 months will be a challenge, but I am believing God will bring us thru them too.

Take Care!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Had a great thanksgiving and been sick

Hey Y'all,
I started getting sick on thanksgiving with a terrible cold. It wasn't so bad then but Friday, Saturday and today, I have been really feeling rough. We had company here from down in south Ga. I hope and pray I haven't got them sick too. I was not much of a host. I spent most of my the last 3 days in my chair zonked out. C has had to be the host to our friends.

We had a good thanksgiving meal. The food was great. The only problems we had was my step daughter got pissed off at my mother in law because of some inappropriate remarks she made to her. She got up and left on foot. I totally understand why. C's sister became homeless and C and her mom were trying to find her a place to stay. She eventually ended up going home with C's parents.

My niece's house burned down last night down in south Ga. They are staying with relatives until this can all get worked out and they can find a place to live. They have lost everything. Keep them in your prayers.

With 2 days left till the end of the month it looks like we are going to make it for this month. next month will be interesting especially with Christmas. Pray we can make it thru December too.

Well Take Care!
God Bless You and Yours!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Things are looking a little brighter-some

Hey Y'all,
We got some food assistance from a local church. They gave us stuff like spaghetti sauce, canned corn, mac n cheese in the box, ramen noodles,canned beans, soup, powdered milk, diced tomatoes. rice. It is a help and brightened my day. I called and left a message at one place but haven't heard from them. I called another place that gives assistance with your primary heat source which is our electric. At first they wanted to know if I was over 65. I told them no, but that I was disabled. They told me to call back after December 1st. They were waiting on funding and there was a waiting list.

Thank you Verna for the well wishes and vote of confidence. I need those words of encouragement right now.

P the grand had to go to the emergency room last night. C called last night because he has a cough and was running a 101 degree temp. The medicine she was giving him wasn't bringing it down. It had actually gone up from 100 degrees earlier. They x-rayed his chest to make sure he didn't have pneumonia. Come to find out he has bronchitus and is just very sick. They gave him medicine at the hospital last night and then today we got his prescription filled at wal mart. They gave him amoxicillan and another one that has a steroid. They told us the one with the steroid would make him onery. It sure has!!! He has become quite a handful. More than usual. He does seem to be feeling better since he has the medicine in him. He is only 1 years old. I wish he could talk so he could tell us how he is feeling and what hurts.

Well Take It Easy!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm gonna be in good spirits in the morning

Hi Y'all,
It's 0330 Sunday morning. I am fixing to go to bed so I can get up at 0830 to make it to church.
I have been listening to Christmas music all night getting into a good mood. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. This Thursday will be thanksgiving and to me that kicks off the Christmas season. The stores are already playing Christmas music, I have even seen one house with Christmas lights up in their front yard.

A friend of mine turned me on to a website that lists a lot of local resources for help with food and other things. We are at the point that we need it. I am going to get things together and check out different places and make phone calls starting Monday. It may get a little messed up because of Thursday being thanksgiving, but I am going to try to get done what I can. Somehow God is going to see us thru this hard time. Keep us in your prayers! God will bless you and us, I have faith!

C still has a runny nose and her throat may be a little scratchy but she is getting better. Tonight was chefs night off. She cooked supper. We share in the cooking duties which I enjoy because it makes me feel like I am putting something into our relationship. She is so good to take care of P the grandson and do laundry and other household chores.

My beard is getting fuller. It is still scruffy looking and will be for awhile. I hope by Christmas it will be nice looking in case we have any pictures taken.

Well Y'all Take It Easy! I'm off to lay down in my chair and try to get some sleep, even thou I am not sleepy.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Can't help people anymore

Hey Y'all,
You know of our struggles since I have posted about them. Now I have a member of my wife's family mad at us because we won't co sign a loan for them. I can't afford to in the first place, and I never have co signed a loan for anybody, and I don't plan to start now. People trip me out! Oh well I am getting used to being kicked while I'm down.

On a lighter note, We are going to have company here thanksgiving night or either the day after! Some friends of ours from south Ga are coming up to spend a few days with us. It promises to be fun. We may even put up our Christmas tree while they are here. We haven't decided yet.

C is getting better everyday with her cold. She is on the other side of it now.

Well Take Care!

Bad news but God is good

Hey Y'all,
Found out the other day that I will not be getting my social security disability. I was found that I was disabled, but for medicare purposes only. The time frame had run out on my disability but the time frame had not run out on my medicare.

It's depressing to know that I am not going to get that money each month. The disability I get from The VA is not enough for us to survive on it seems. We are having to learn to do with less and more bills get added every day. Car insurance, property taxes on top of the regular bills. It has been real challenging to live on what little I get. Please pray for us. We sure need it.

I am going to think positive and believe that God is going to see us thru this rough time in our lives. We would have been OK if we hadn't spent so much money remodeling this house. Hind sight is 20/20. We forgive ourselves but it does not change things.

C still has a cough and sinus running. She has got better and has been holding food down for a few days. Keep her in your prayers.

Y'all Take Care!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday in the foothills

Hey Y'all,
Today C was sicker than heck. She was in the bed all day. I got her some NyQuil and that seemed to help a little.

I got out for a little while today. I picked us up something to fix for supper and her medicine. Then I went by a friends business to see if they needed a hand for a little while. They were doing a benefit supper for charity. They didn't need me so I came home. I find that since I have been disabled and have no money that things can get kinda boring. I could have went to church this morning, but I didn't want to without C.

My beard is getting stubbly. I can rub my hand across my face and feel it. I am gonna be ugly for awhile until it comes in. I guess it's something to keep me from getting bored too bad.

I have new glasses coming to me from the VA. I am worried about how they will look because I had to pick them out with my eyes dilated and blurry. I hope they look cool. I think they are a woman's frame because I looked on the receipt it showed style as "Jackie". All I know is I was looking for round glasses and these seemed to have enough lens in them for a good bifocal. It's hard to tell because my eyes were so blurry.

Well Y'all take it easy!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

P had a party today

Hey Y'all,
Today we officially celebrated P the grand baby's 1st birthday. His birthday was actually last Tuesday. He had a good time and enjoyed all the people all over here at the house and the constant action. He opened presents but his favorite one it seemed was a broom and dustpan that is his size. He got into his cake and started picking at it and it wasn't too long before it was all over his face and in his hair. Momma was here of course so she and grandma gave him a bath afterwards. It was a real good time.

We went to the auction for a little while tonight to visit with our friends. We didn't spend anything and brought our own diet cokes. We didn't stay long. P the grand was getting fussy so we came home.

C is getting sick with what seems like a cold. She never gets sick it seems. Keep her in your prayers.

Well that's what is happening right now.
Take Care!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Things are tight, but God is on our side.

Hey Y'all,
You are probably tired of hearing how tight things are. They are tighter than I have had to deal with since when I moved out on my own. Right now our life is topsey turvey in that respect. But I know God did not lead us up here to see us fail. Somehow I have faith that he is going to see us thru it. Don't know how. but he is. We are down to our last bit of money. The first of the month is a ways off. We got about 60 bucks in food stamps. If we work it right we will squeak by and with the help of our family have a good thanksgiving get together.

Next month is going to be tougher. We have to pay car insurance on top of our other growing bills. Christmas is going to be slim. I usually like to buy C a lot of gifts and things she needs. I don't know if K will be living with us then or not. She is not living with us right now. She is back down in south Ga. Last year we had money so Christmas was nice for everybody. I am looking forwards to this Christmas. Even thou we won't have money and can't give to many gifts. The season always puts me in a festive mood. I get a happiness and a tapping in my toes to the beat of the Christmas spirits drum.

Well the only other news I have is I have decided to grow out my beard again. I quit shaving as of tonight. It is starting to get cooler in the daytime. I haven't had a full beard in a couple of years. Last year I had a goatee that I shaved off for charity with the rest of my hair. It will be fun to see it grow out again even when it's scraggly.

Well take Care!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

got a deal on a turkey

Hey Y'all,
I got a deal on a turkey so I went ahead and picked it up. I got a over 18 pound turkey for 12 dollars and some change. I figure we can afford that. It's more dependable than the hair brained Idea that was going on that someone was going to donate us a turkey. I am not sure how the rest of the meal is shaping up. In the next few days I will be buying stuffing makings and a bag of potatoes and probably some greenbeans. I don't know what C has figured out with her mom yet, but they are on the phone yakking back and forth on it so I know things will work out.

I checked the bank account online and it looks ugly. This month is gonna be a real tough one with next month probably being tough too. Only by the grace of God are we gonna make it thru these months. Our food stamps come in tomorrow. We don't get that much and we're gonna have to stretch them to make it thru the month. It is so hard being on a fixed income when the fixed income really isn't enough to make ends meet. We are learning thou.


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Made it thru one month, on to the next

Hey Y'all,
We are learning to do more with less. it's the holidays and we are seeing if we can find creative ways to have holiday meals. Unfortunately everyone wants to come to my house for thanksgiving. We have friends coming from out of town, but I am actually looking forwards to them being here. C sat her parents down tonight and told them they would have to help with the thanksgiving meal if there was gonna be one at our house. We can't do it alone. supposedly we are gonna get a turkey donated to us. and all we are gonna have to buy is green beans and a bag of potatoes. I'm waiting to see on this one. I'm pessimistic about it. We'll prolli get screwed.

P the grand baby is one year old today. He is going to have a party on Saturday. we had a unofficial party for him today and ate some cake and sang happy birthday. He seemed to enjoy the goings on.

Well that's what is going on with me right now.
Y'all take it easy!