Friday, November 19, 2010

Bad news but God is good

Hey Y'all,
Found out the other day that I will not be getting my social security disability. I was found that I was disabled, but for medicare purposes only. The time frame had run out on my disability but the time frame had not run out on my medicare.

It's depressing to know that I am not going to get that money each month. The disability I get from The VA is not enough for us to survive on it seems. We are having to learn to do with less and more bills get added every day. Car insurance, property taxes on top of the regular bills. It has been real challenging to live on what little I get. Please pray for us. We sure need it.

I am going to think positive and believe that God is going to see us thru this rough time in our lives. We would have been OK if we hadn't spent so much money remodeling this house. Hind sight is 20/20. We forgive ourselves but it does not change things.

C still has a cough and sinus running. She has got better and has been holding food down for a few days. Keep her in your prayers.

Y'all Take Care!!


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