Wednesday, November 10, 2010

got a deal on a turkey

Hey Y'all,
I got a deal on a turkey so I went ahead and picked it up. I got a over 18 pound turkey for 12 dollars and some change. I figure we can afford that. It's more dependable than the hair brained Idea that was going on that someone was going to donate us a turkey. I am not sure how the rest of the meal is shaping up. In the next few days I will be buying stuffing makings and a bag of potatoes and probably some greenbeans. I don't know what C has figured out with her mom yet, but they are on the phone yakking back and forth on it so I know things will work out.

I checked the bank account online and it looks ugly. This month is gonna be a real tough one with next month probably being tough too. Only by the grace of God are we gonna make it thru these months. Our food stamps come in tomorrow. We don't get that much and we're gonna have to stretch them to make it thru the month. It is so hard being on a fixed income when the fixed income really isn't enough to make ends meet. We are learning thou.



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