Friday, September 17, 2010

Enjoying Life in the foothills

Hey Y'all,
With the fall weather comes my desire to cook a little bit. I have a small ham in the fridge, just enough for C and I. I am going to make some home made potato soup to go with it for us also. It will make a good Friday meal. Part of my religious back ground may be of the catholic persuasion, but I don't believe in having to eat fish on Fridays. I'm not Jewish so a little pork won't hurt lol.

I have to figure out what vegetable to go with it. We have some of those steam fresh corn and some green beans that you do in the microwave. They are quite good. Have you ever tried those?

We are doing good today. The cats are happy and so is C, Me and the grand baby. Things are still tight. That won't get better over night. I must say, I will be glad when the first of the month gets here. We got a little, not much of food stamp money left for this month. At least we know we can eat and P the grand will be took good care of. His formula isn't cheap.

P is eating table food now. That's all he wants and his bottle. That little bugger can eat!

Well, Y'all Take Care!


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