Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hay dare

Howdy Y'all,

Our friends are finishing up our house this week. It will be good to have them done. Their company has been nice. P our grandson has become quite attached to them. We will all miss them. We will still see them at the auction and maybe for supper every now and then.

We are doing OK. Just learning to manage day to day and week to week and month to month. C has been tied down with the grand. She is the one who does just about everything for him. Her sorry old man don't do much. I changed my first dirty diaper. I think it might be the first one ever in my life!! I have helped plenty of times, but never by myself. Nothing like ewwwee, wipey-wipey and squishy-squishy. Nana put him in the bath and washed him. I have diapered him plenty of times coming out of the bath. but never took the dirty one off and cleaned him.

C is a amazing woman. She does a fine job of running this household and taking care of the baby. I believe there are so many women out there that don't get enough recognition for being a stay at home mom. Thank God we are able to do it for now. Hopefully our finances will hold out and C can continue to stay at home. I am unable to work even a little bit because of my disabilities. If it weren't for my medications I wouldn't be able to do much of anything.

Well, Y'all Take it easy!


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