Sunday, November 14, 2010

P had a party today

Hey Y'all,
Today we officially celebrated P the grand baby's 1st birthday. His birthday was actually last Tuesday. He had a good time and enjoyed all the people all over here at the house and the constant action. He opened presents but his favorite one it seemed was a broom and dustpan that is his size. He got into his cake and started picking at it and it wasn't too long before it was all over his face and in his hair. Momma was here of course so she and grandma gave him a bath afterwards. It was a real good time.

We went to the auction for a little while tonight to visit with our friends. We didn't spend anything and brought our own diet cokes. We didn't stay long. P the grand was getting fussy so we came home.

C is getting sick with what seems like a cold. She never gets sick it seems. Keep her in your prayers.

Well that's what is happening right now.
Take Care!


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