Saturday, February 07, 2009

Long day

Hey Y'all,
Today has been a long day. This morning I had to go by the funeral home and get the last details squared away, sign some paperwork and so on. Next me and my brother had to be at the lawyers office to talk to the lawyer about dad's will. He is going to probate the will for us. I had club church tonight and there was a lot of info put out and we had a guest. It was a busy meeting. I finally made it home about 10 tonight, wore out with a headache. I had fell asleep in the computer chair last night and this morning my feet were so swollen, I couldn't even get a pair of socks on. They have gone down, but still hurt a little. All this action over dads death and his will, what to do and trying to keep everybody happy has finally wore on me. The bad thing about it is this is just the beginning. My brother and I are the executors of my dad's will.

I am going to get off here.

Y'all take care.


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