Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The swamp says hey again

Hey Y'all,
My brother and C got things worked out for dad to go to hospice Tuesday. We found out his nursing home is in the hospice network. He may be able to go back there with hospice taking care of him. He will go to the hospice place first and be evaluated and we will make decisions based on their recommendations and service they offer dad.

We got C out of the hospital room for a little while tonight. My brother S and my sister in law,C and me and K went to the olive garden restaurant and had a wonderful supper. I came home and got a few hours sleep before putting myself back on the board at work. I am going to get a shower after I do this post and get some more sleep.

C should be coming home after tomorrow night. She is going to make shure dad makes the transition into hospice O.K. I am so ready for her to come home and get some real rest instead of sleeping in a hospital recliner being woke up all hours of the night. She is getting run down.

K is having trouble holding food down. She is miserable. She eats and it comes back up. My family has been hit hard here as of late. There have been so many bad things happening. We are making it thru this. My faith and my families strength are each being individually tested. I can barely pray but I know God is seeing us thru this because it could be so much worse. I know I don't post for awhile and sometimes it is days before I check my email, But your comments and thoughts and prayers mean a lot to me.

Well I am quickly moving up on the board ( I just called back to check) If I am going to get a shower and hopefully some more sleep, I must be going.

Y'all take Care!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hospice care is wonderful when the patient is so sick. I am so sorry you and your family are having so much trouble. Please recognize that you are doing everything you can and then leave things in God's hands. Like it or not, we have to accept His plans for us.
You are all in my thoughts.

10:34 PM EST  

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