Saturday, January 17, 2009

Still cold in the swamp

Hey Y'all,
I got the pipes running again tonight. The last time I checked it was 25 degrees outside with the temperature dropping. So far with the water running the well hasn't froze up. I was going to take a shower , but it is just too damn cold. The heater is constantly going and the warmest it gets is a little below 70 in the house. The water coming out of the pipes is freezing cold so a good hot shower is out of the question at least not for any length. I'll get one in the morning when things have warmed up a bit.

C is spending the night at the hospital. Dad is acting goofy and mean. He may have a urinary trac infection. There is blood in his urine now. He is in a lot of pain. The pain meds they are giving him is making him goofy too. He has been holering at the nurses telling them to get the hell out of his room. One guy was scared to come in the room and stayed out in the hall and handed the other nurses stuff they needed around the door. I had dropped C off and she called me to come back. We got dad thru a bath in bed and his sheets changed and got him to take his meds. He had settled down by the time I left at 0130.

My brother R and my sister in law S is coming down from Tennessee tomorrow. I am looking forwards to seeing them.

I am going to bed soon. Tomorrow is a new day.

Y'all take care!


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