Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold as a witch's tit in the swamp

Hey Y'all!
BRRRR! The temperature is dropping here. It's supposed to be in the low 20's tonight. Tomorrow night it's supposed to go to 19.

C and I saw dad for a little while today. C got to talk to the doctor a little bit. He is doing well. He is resting a lot. That's the best thing for him. The wound care nurse was supposed to see him today sometime.

I got the paperwork that the doctor signed for me to go back to work to the job today. I am supposed to go back to work Sunday morning at 8.

C and I went to the auction tonight. We spent 14 bucks. She came away with some nice dishes, salt and pepper shakers, two cast iron frying pans and a aluminum grease can that is really cool for the stove top.

We are doing good. God has been gracious to us.

Y'all take care!
Cornbread, C and K


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