Friday, January 02, 2009

Hello and Happy New Year from the Swamp

So much has happened in the Swamp since the last post. Cornbread K & I had a great Christmas. Cornbread was off till 6AM on the 26Th. He had 2 runs that day and got home late morning on the 27Th. He was wore out and had not had enough sleep as usual. When he got home I made us breakfast, and he was going to get some much needed rest.

As he was getting ready to climb in his chair he asked me to come look at his legs. They were dark red and purple and hot to the touch. He called the on-call nurse to put in a request for a call from the Doctor. Needless to say when she heard the symptoms she told him to go to the nearest ER.

Dealing with the VA and a civilian ER is tough. We had a friend stuck with a 12,000 bill when the VA refused to pay ( the on-call nurse had also told our friend to go to the nearest ER ).
So off we went to Augusta to the VA.

They took one look at his legs and got him right back to a bed. The Doctor came in and looked ran some test and we were told he has Celluliteis in his legs.
Celluliteis is an infection in the cells. It is caused by Bacteria getting into the cells thru a cut or a scratch. He was put on IV antibiotics and switched to oral ones on Wednesday with the hope he would come hone Jan 1, 2009.

WRONG!!!!!!! One of the things we have learned thru this process is that if you are a diabetic and do not have your sugar level in control the white blood cells can't do their job and get to the cells that need to be healed. Cornbread's have been running between 300 and 450 since he got to the hospital. He has been hitting the vending machines and I was bringing him food from the outside. OK I know I should not have.

He is now back on IV antibiotics and he has promised not to eat anything that he is not given by the nurses. His sugar level is still a bit high but has come down to 236 with the change in diet. He will have a MRI on Monday Jan 6TH and hopefully will get to come home after that.

I have been staying at the hospital, sleeping on a chair that folds out to a bed. K has been home or staying with friends. It sure is a blessing that she can drive and get around on her own. Cornbread and I have been blessed to have such a great responsible kid. I will be going back to the hospital tomorrow and stay till he gets to come home

Please keep Cornbread in your prayers. We all are going to need allot of support as we change our lifestyle to keep him healthy.



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