Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gettin' Past the hump

Hey Y'all!
Today was the first day of summer. I could really feel it cause I took a sweat bath all afternoon working on the project that will provide me employment. I can hardly wait till next week to tell ya about it. I am hoping it will come compleatly together soon so everybody involved can start making a little money. In my opinion it is time to get this show on the road. Friday is the big day for some news that will put things a little more in perspective.

I didn't go out tonight to my club brothers bar. As far as I can tell no one else was going out there including my club brother. I am nasty and smelly and dirty and would need a shower before I went, So I just stayed home and saved the gas.

C has gone out tonight with her friends up where she lives and I am waiting on her to call when she comes back from partying. Maby I will get the chance to go out tomorow night. We'll see. Friday night is church (club meeting). Saturday I will go up to where C lives. I haven't decided if I am gonna take the bike or the truck. With the week I have been having and the heat, I am leaning towards the truck. I know, I know, big bad biker dude should be riding his harley. Sometimes I just like the comfort of my cage. You know listen to the radio in the A/C and smoke cigarettes, etc.

Y'all Take Care!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait till Saturday and ya may look like a big biker dude but your MY big fluffy marshmellow

1:23 AM EDT  
Blogger phoenix said...

Hope you had a great weekend!

*snickers @ C* That is cute! *big fluffy marshmellow* giggle

6:06 PM EDT  

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