Monday, May 08, 2006

Beating the bushes

Hey Y'all!
I have really been getting serious about looking for a job. Anything I can find. It's frustrating filling out applications that I know will probably be round filed or talking to people who "don't need anyone right now". I wish I could just link up with where ever it is that I am supposed to be, walk in, talk to them and start work monday. I guess the people in hell want ice water too. It ain't gonna happen that way.

There is the ever mysterious thing that might come about that I am not saying too much about because it involves some buisness dealings of someone who reads here. I will say it is intruiging, A little frustrating at times, involves rumors that are spreading around and all kinds of stuff. If it works out, Ol' cornbread has a job he will actually like. If not I am back to square one. If it works out, I'll give ya the picture. Till then I have to sit on it.

I shure will be glad when I can shave the side of my neck that I got tattooed on. I will have to wait at least another 3 days or more before I can even attempt to. That brings up another subject. My appearance. Here I am big ol' boy, all tattoed up, earings. There is no doubt I am a biker. I hope I can find a place that will accept me just the way I am. Sometimes I think it is hard to do.

We I could go on and on, But I think I'll call it a night.

Y'all take care!


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