Sunday swamp post

Hey Y'all!
The other night when I didn't post much and just said I had a lot on my mind, I had to wait a little bit to tell you about it. C got fired from her job. We are down to my income and I may be losing my job soon. The job I am doing is too physically demanding for me because I am obese. My knees and legs can't handle it.
Friday night K drove me to the V.A. so they could look at my knees especially my right one that has been swollen real bad. The tendons are damaged. The doctor told me that unless I change occupations and stop doing what I am doing to my knees they will only get worse. I have been in touch with my supervisor at work and they will let me work, but the way he was talking leads me to believe the end is near. I have Monday and Tuesday off and I am going to spend those days hunting down another job. I have some ideas that I am going to try. I'm sorry I am old and fat and can't do things like I use to.
C and I went to church this morning before getting lunch and seeing dad. We enjoyed this church the best out of the ones we have been to so far. There is young couples to old couples and everything in between. We put this on our "come back and try again list". We are still going to shop around some more.
Dad is doing well. His girlfriend was there today when C and I came by. C gave dad a haircut and he looks nice. Hair cut short, military style. I took a nap in the chair while she was cutting it. I think I may be coming down with a cold. I didn't really realize it till after we left the nursing home. It is hitting me hard now. I stopped by Walgreen's while we were in my dads town and picked up some vitamin C 1000 mg tablets. I am going to start taking them to hopefully get over this mess.
K got her drivers license on Friday. Now she can drive solo. Any excuse she can find to drive off, she does. We are starting to miss seeing her around here.
Well Y'all I hope everyone is doing well.
Take care!
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