Saturday, October 18, 2008

Woke up in the swamp

Mornin' Y'all,
I was sleeping along fine, wore slap out from a long week at work. It's four thirty and flop my arm goes off the side of the bed and knocks the ashtray off my night stand. I get up to go pee and hear it raining. I'm awake now so I figured I would come out and update my blog. It's one of the few times I can get on the computer when nobody else is on it. The cats are all over me and I have to keep putting them down from the computer desk. That's how my night is going.

I posted recently about a guy at work who nobody could stand and was bad mouthing me to the bosses. Well that asshole got fired Friday. They finally got tired of his poor quality workmanship and lack of ability to get along with his co workers.

I am not perfect myself. I unintentionally threw a guy Chs I work with under the bus about some damage he did to a floor in one of the units. I did own up to it and talked to Chs about it and let him know what happened and how it went down. Me and the Chs are cool with it. Or let's say he is cool with me about it. I am not a snake in the grass. The guy that got fired S was getting payed more than a lot of us that are working out there because he made himself out to be a super contractor which he is not. I wanted to get hired on as general labor with space to learn. My pay is not as high, but neither is the companies expectation of me either. The guy who got fired did not meet the companies expectation of him.

Well Y'all I'm getting tired again. I think I will dig around the kitchen for a snack and the go back to bed.

Y'all take care!!


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