Monday, September 22, 2008

K's hair and mowing grass in the swamp

Hey Y'all,
I spent most of the day in the hair salon. I ended up taking K to my old hometown to the lady who cuts my dads hair in the nursing home. She is good when it comes to ladies hair and color and such. It took her about 3 hours to get K's hair fixed. She had to color it one color then pull it thru a cap and color it again. After all is said and done, my daughter has blond hair. It looks good and she is happy with it.

I went out and spent some money today without telling C I was going to do it. She left her cell phone home today is my excuse, I mean reason for not discussing it with her. I bought a used riding mower from out of the tell and sell. I got it cheap. It has a new motor and mowing deck. A lady was selling it for her 80 year old dad who can't mow his grass anymore. It came with a set of ramps and a gas edger that won't crank. It has a grass catcher on back. It's a older model but I brought it home and it mows great!! The boy who cuts my grass bent the blade again on the push mower Sunday when he was mowing our grass. I saw him today on the way back home with the new mower. I mowed for a little while and then he finished the rest up.

I got to go pick up K in a few minutes from dairy queen where she works. C and I ate supper there tonite so C could see K's hair.

Well Y'all take care!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tell N Sell....I haven't heard that name in a while...we used to pick that up all that time when I lived in Savannah and laugh at the crazy personal adds people would put in....looking for this and was fun.

11:05 AM EDT  

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