Another employed american at camp swampy

Hey Y'all,
I got the job on base at the construction company. I start Monday. I will be general labor/helper. It pays 8 bucks a hour with room for advancement. It is from 7:30 till 4 Monday thru Friday which is right up my alley. It takes me about 45 minutes to get there because the speed limit is 45 thru the back side of the base.
Went to club church at the big city chapter tonight where we are having our wedding. It's going to be at their clubhouse. I got everything finalized and set up with them for the event. I put down a 300 dollar bar tab for the reception. That should keep us for awhile. I got to call next week and get a port a potty out there. Tomorrow I order the shrimp. I got the tables and chairs ordered today from the rental company.
C is feeling better today. She really had me concerned last night. I think she was just tired out.
Haven't seen much of K today. Either she has been gone or we have been gone. She did call me and told me she got in school suspension for having her cell phone. Cell phones are against the rules but we allow her to take hers to school because often we need to get in touch with her thru text messaging or after school when we are not around. Often she leaves from school and goes strait to work.
Went by the bar tonight and had supper. It's funny but C and I were talking and we just don't feel like we belong there anymore. I go in there to have a bite to eat and see my friend I was doing the tile work with and that's about it. It just don't seem the same anymore. There is nobody there for karaoke. The weekends were getting dead there back when I worked there. My old boss doesn't talk to me much and is preoccupied with other things. He is still pissed at me about the whole unemployment thing. It's not my fault he left his ass hanging out with his tax reporting. He had a bad accountant. It's not his fault either. I didn't know I was going to cause him a problem when I applied for unemployment. Oh well life goes on and the world keeps turning. Hopefully we will get over it. I am glad to be out of the bar scene, the loud music, drunks and drama.
The cats are asleep on my feet right now. Earlier they were grooming each other before they passed out. They are such a blessing to me. It's a pain in the ass cleaning kitty litter and stuff. They claw the couch and tear up the blinds and all the stuff cats do. But I love them. I can meow at monkey and she stops what she is doing and jumps up in my lap. Molly is usually not far away. C kids me in fun sometimes because I am this big tattooed biker guy who pets my cats and talks all syrup sweet to them and gives them kisses. No I'm not gay.
I now have one more week as a bachelor. Since C and I have been living together a year September 28th, I don't think getting married will change things much. It is a big step and the next step for us. C swore she would never get married again and at one time in my life I swore I never would. I think C is more nervous about it than I am. After all she has been thru two marriages that didn't work out. I had trust issues with women in the past but I feel comfortable trusting C and she is my best friend. We love each other and it comes natural for us. We are committed to each other and we just fit well like a pair of old shoes.
I met her over the Internet at the beginning of April 2006. She lived up in Atlanta and I down south. We met each other in person on my birthday at club church in the big city. We have been together almost every weekend since till she moved in with me and we got the swamp. K calls me dad. We are a family. They say opposites attract. That is true in our case. She is a bold Yankee from Michigan and I am a laid back Southerner from Georgia. It's funny thou. We think alike and often know what each other is thinking. Sometimes we say the same thing at the same time. We don't keep secrets and talk about everything. When we get mad at each other or one of us has done something the other one doesn't like, we get over it. Fighting is very extremely rare. We have only had a couple of big blow ups since we have known each other. We get along quite well.
Well Y'all it's almost 3 o'clock as I am finishing this up. Even thou I am not sleepy I need to go in there and get a shower and try to get some sleep. I will probably fart around on the computer a little more and then go to bed
Y'all take care!!!
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