Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Staying home and saving money

Howdy Y'all!!

I am wide awake and have caught my second wind. I am on my days off from the bar. I am staying home and trying to save money. It gets kind of boring here by myself. I want to be with C. I am home this weekend to be around to help dad with some things he needs. I may not be able to see C for another three weeks or so. My spending has finnaly caught up with me. I am penching pennies so when I pay bills this month I will be back where or close to where I am at right now with my money. Being poor sucks. I could possibly find a job that pays more and is closer to home but I am happy doing what I am doing right now.

I got some things accomplished for dad today. Mostly getting paper work set up for his doctor to sign. It seems the insurance company is making us constantly jump thru hoops requesting more paper work. I think it is a tactic to get out of paying dad what they owe him. Some people instead of going thru all this probaly say to hell with it and pay the bills. Dad can't really afford to do that. Staying at the nursing home is expensive. He is not poor enough for medicade to pay it for him.

Tomorow I will sit down with dad and he will write checks for differn't things so I can get them in the mail. Wednesday I have to drive him out of town so he can see his heart doctor.

Well Y'all have a good one now, Ya hear?


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