Monday, April 16, 2007

Tired tonight

Howdy folks,

I find my self exausted as I write this. I just got home from work a little while ago.

It seems that for some reason more than usual we are having to deal with people carring hand guns at the bar. Last weekend I had to talk a guy down with a gun that wanted to shoot someone who had stabbed him in the hand with a knife. Tonight there were two guys in the bar with guns. My boss was able to get one of the guys gun from him and the other guy who was with him decided to leave after it was discovered he had a gun. We had to babysit a couple of guys wanting to fight. Two situations where people were going to get in a fight and things got a little heated. Fortunatly nothing bad happened and we were able to keep things under controll. It can be mentaly and physically exausting when the adreniline is up and the nerves get a little tweaked. It's just all part of the job though. I do have to say it is a little strange for these type of things to be happening two sundays in a row. Usually sunday night is kind of sedate.

C was down this weekend and we got to enjoy each others company a little. I shure do love that gal. It is more relaxing for us when I go up there. When we are here I am always working and sleeping. We are going to be apart for a stretch untill I can get some money saved back up. Hopefully my weekend after this one I can go up there. (my weekend is mon-tue-wed)

Well Y'all I am really tired tonight. I'll try and post some more soon.

God Bless,



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