Thursday, February 02, 2006

Good day with sad news

Pic borrowed from

The pic has nothing to do with the post. I just liked it thats all..........

Today I got sad news. My cousin who has been sick and was improving had to go on life support recently. My dad got a call and they were supposed to pull the plug this morning. I am waiting to hear when and if he has died. I shed a few tears this morning when I heard the news cause he is the last of my real Mommas family (outside of another cousin who doesn't speak to anyone) That is really left. I have a aunt over there but the last I heard she was dying of cancer and nobody on this side of the family knows whats up. My cousin who was on life support was really the only one I would visit over there on the other side of Georgia. For me he is the last of my Nanny P.'s (grandmother) legacy over there. He is the one who took care of her after my uncle passed and he has all of her stuff stored in his other house. I am not interested in the stuff, It's just he is the last real part of my family that is over there. His wife is very special to me too.

I filled out a aplication today at a harley dealership. I don't know if anything will come of it or not. Tonight when I got my fortune cookie it read : "Your career is moving more and more towards service to others" I thought that was kinda interesting.

Tonight one of my (club) brothers wife who is Korean helped me get a bottle of soju. It's a korean drink. I heard the boss and Mama talkin' about it and I wanted to try some. I ain't a big drinker. Two shots and I don't care for anymore of any kind of liquor. We'll see how it goes with this stuff. It's kinda like saki or maby vodka.

Y'all take care!Posted by Picasa


Blogger Grey Biker said...

Hate to hear that about your cousin.

Good luck with the dealership job. I know you would really enjoy that one.

Be careful with that soju. I bet it will kick your ass.

10:50 AM EST  

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