Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday morning greetings from the swamp

I got in from a run to Jacksonville Fl this morning and went right to bed. I never do that. The run was a bad run too. We were using one of the railroad employee's GPS to find where we were going. It ended us up in a dark alley in the hood. We finally found a gas station and asked directions. After we got to where we were supposed to be, the train wasn't there, it was in Baldwin Fl. I had to take the guys to Baldwin for them to get their train. I was tired and frustrated.

C is gone on a road trip with K and her boyfriend to see her oldest daughter. Then she is going to her parents house today in north Georgia. She is having a wonderful time. I miss her thou. I wish I could be with them.

I have only had about 3 hours of sleep tonight. The cats like to sleep in my lap while I am in my chair. This morning they got into a big fight and woke me up. The insides of my legs are all covered in scratches. They were really fighting each other hard. I am just glad I didn't get bit.

Well, I am going to go get a shower and then find me some breakfast.
Y'all Take care!


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