Sunday am sleepy post from the swamp

Good morning Y'all,
I woke up a little while ago to go to the bathroom and say good night to C. Right now I am number three on the board to be called for a trip.
I slept in the van for a few hours last night. I was in between trips. There was no need for me to come home and waste a total of a hour and twenty minutes there and back when I could spend that time sleeping in the truck. I had been up for a long time and was really tired.
I was called up for a run with a need time of 0545. I made that run and came home because I was number 10 on the board. When I got home I was a asshole to C. She was asleep when I got home and it pissed me off. From there everything was pissing me off. I couldn't find any clean underwear to put on after I got a shower. They were on the couch but I was so tired I missed them. When she did wake up she knew I was pissed off about something. Like wife's do she started prying into why I was pissed. I let go on her. Why isn't the house clean, what have you been doing all day? why are my clothes wet laying on top off the washer. Things like that. I got a shower and had to apologize to her. I had no business getting on her ass like that. I guess I am human too and F up. I hope this job doesn't bring out the asshole in me when it comes to my family like it did today.
I know this is putting my business in the streets but I want this blog to be real. Me and my family are real people.
C has been depressed because she is having to stay home and half the time doesn't have a car because K has been gone with it. She can't spend money on little things she wants because things are tight right now. Christmas is coming and that is her big holiday. She wanted to buy one of those blow up yard things for the house. It was a Santa on a motorcycle. She has been wanting one for a couple of years and they were on sale for 30 bucks. She called me last night and wanted to know what I thought. I told her we needed to save money for bills.
Keep us in your prayers. Hopefully we will get one of those letters from the Ga. dept of labor saying we got the extension on her unemployment benefits so we can have some money coming in. Without her paycheck and living on mine, times are tough. I am working my ass off as much as I can to bring money in. C is busting a hump looking for a permanent job. I spend a lot of money when I am away from the house for a day or so eating and on sodas and stuff. It's counter productive. I have to figure something out.
I want to take this next trip coming up and then I need to take a day off to see dad. I may not take a day off this week to get as many trips in as possible before the week ends. Our weeks run Wednesday thru Tuesday.
Well Y'all I am going to get off here.
Take Care!!
I woke up a little while ago to go to the bathroom and say good night to C. Right now I am number three on the board to be called for a trip.
I slept in the van for a few hours last night. I was in between trips. There was no need for me to come home and waste a total of a hour and twenty minutes there and back when I could spend that time sleeping in the truck. I had been up for a long time and was really tired.
I was called up for a run with a need time of 0545. I made that run and came home because I was number 10 on the board. When I got home I was a asshole to C. She was asleep when I got home and it pissed me off. From there everything was pissing me off. I couldn't find any clean underwear to put on after I got a shower. They were on the couch but I was so tired I missed them. When she did wake up she knew I was pissed off about something. Like wife's do she started prying into why I was pissed. I let go on her. Why isn't the house clean, what have you been doing all day? why are my clothes wet laying on top off the washer. Things like that. I got a shower and had to apologize to her. I had no business getting on her ass like that. I guess I am human too and F up. I hope this job doesn't bring out the asshole in me when it comes to my family like it did today.
I know this is putting my business in the streets but I want this blog to be real. Me and my family are real people.
C has been depressed because she is having to stay home and half the time doesn't have a car because K has been gone with it. She can't spend money on little things she wants because things are tight right now. Christmas is coming and that is her big holiday. She wanted to buy one of those blow up yard things for the house. It was a Santa on a motorcycle. She has been wanting one for a couple of years and they were on sale for 30 bucks. She called me last night and wanted to know what I thought. I told her we needed to save money for bills.
Keep us in your prayers. Hopefully we will get one of those letters from the Ga. dept of labor saying we got the extension on her unemployment benefits so we can have some money coming in. Without her paycheck and living on mine, times are tough. I am working my ass off as much as I can to bring money in. C is busting a hump looking for a permanent job. I spend a lot of money when I am away from the house for a day or so eating and on sodas and stuff. It's counter productive. I have to figure something out.
I want to take this next trip coming up and then I need to take a day off to see dad. I may not take a day off this week to get as many trips in as possible before the week ends. Our weeks run Wednesday thru Tuesday.
Well Y'all I am going to get off here.
Take Care!!
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