Monday, March 03, 2008

End of the work week for me

Hi Y'all,
Just got thru with my sunday night at the bar. Had to throw a guy out tonight. He hit one of our well liked regular patrons for no reason. This guys girlfriend was talking to our regular cause she has known him for years and her young punk boyfriend decided he didn't like it, so he walked up to him and cheap shot decked him. I tossed his ass out and had to hold our patron back from coming after him. My front desk got knocked over and made a mess. I told the punk to never come back again.

Me and C had a pleasant afternoon. We got up about 2pm. Went to denny's and had breakfast, then went to the harley shop before coming home. C took K and her boyfriend out to the clubhouse for dinner and I went to work.

I got paid tonight so tomorrow I am going to go and knock another bill down. The land line/t.v./internet bill. This one is only $117 bucks. Ya know, I can remember when $100 bucks was a lot of money. Now days it is about like what $ 20 bucks use to be. I wish I had money and no worries. It must be nice for some folks. Most of the people I know are struggling just like me. Somethings gotta give. Maby when we get a new president things will get better. Yeah right. That's what I always hear during election year.

I don't vote anymore. I have become disillusioned with the whole process. It doesn't matter what the popular vote is. The electoral college is going to do whatever it damn well pleases. Does my vote really count? Hell no. If I were going to vote, I wouldn't vote for Baraak Obama. He's a black Muslim. I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton. She is a female user with her own interests at heart. I'm not sure about John Mcain. But who knows. Maby I have my head up my ass too.

Well that's my thoughts for the night. I guess I am feeling a little negative after the little incident at work tonight. That's one of the effects things like that have on me.

Y'all Take care!!


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