Friday, October 19, 2007

House, land and no rest for the weary

Hey Y'all!!
I know it has been awhile since I posted last. I have just been too damn busy. I rarely have time even for sleep anymore. If I get on the computer it is to check my emails briefly and then turn it off. Today I finally have a day that I can actually sit down with it for a few minutes.

I have bought property and a mobile home for me and C and K to live in. The property is/was in pretty bad shape and we are still working on some aspects of it. There were two ancient mobile homes that are totally unrepairable/unliveable that we are getting off the property. The place was grown up with weeds literally taller than my head and I am over 6 foot tall. We hired someone to come in and clear off the part we will be moving our new home on and remove the old trailers. They damaged the tounge on one of the trailers and were supposed to repair it today. It's raining of course. Another day behind.

If anybody ever tells you that doing this sort of thing, aquiring property getting it prepared, and getting a home moved on it, is a walk in the park, you can tell them I said they are a liar. I have done without sleep, food and spent a hell of alot of extra money in gas. And thats just from having to be everywhere at once. I've been sick with a chest/head cold and having to work and take care of all this. I have C helping me, but it is only me and her. I finnaly crashed and burned night before last. I slept for 8 hours, took K to school, slept another 3 hours and got another 1 hour nap somewheres. After 3-4 weeks of nothing but running I finnaly could not go anymore. Me and C both have been going since she moved down here.

Well thats what I have been up to. Throw in taking care of dad on top of that and you know we have been busy.

Y'all take care now, Ya hear!


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