Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm Baaaack!

Howdy Y'all
I'm back and wore slap out. I've been getting to bed around 4-5 am every night since I have been gone. Been seeing old friends and having a good time. I know I could never go back there and live again, cause I would be back to my same old tricks. There is plenty of money, drugs, and every other vice I have to be had there. It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't wanna live there again. I did enjoy staying with my club brother. He's a hella good guy. And yes I did stay sober, except last night I had a vodka martinni and later on some gentleman jack daniels in a brandy glass. The martinni I gulped and the gentleman jack I sipped and enjoyed. I needed it after the night I had.

I was at the chrismas party last night, the chapter of my club down in florida was having when I got the call that dad back up here in georgia was going into the emergency room because he was bleeding out his behind.(sorry if that is gross) The hospital got him straightened out and my aunt was here to take care of things, but it stressed me out. Those coupla drinks was enough to relax me a little. Talkin to the Boss and Mama and our secretary up here in georgia helped alot too. Dad made it home last night, but is still tired today. Poor guy. At least he is eating some now. I found out he had very little to eat while I was gone. The food was available, he just didn't eat because he didn't feel like it. I don't think that helped him much either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandmother, bless her heart got to where she wouldn't eat if she was by herself. We all had to take turns making sure someone was there and she didn't even like it if you just dropped her off a plate...she wanted you to sit down and eat with her.

It's so hard to get them to eat when they get feeble like your dad...I mean it's a challenge that sometimes will make you want to rip out your damn hair.

I was kinda bad with my granny. I got to where I didn't give a shit what the doctors said she should eat...I fed her what SHE WANTED..fried fish, hush puppies, lots and lots of gravy...I knew she wasn't gonna make it much longer so I just wanted her to be happy.

(I even snuck her cigarettes to her in the nursing home)

4:48 AM EST  
Blogger Grey Biker said...

Glad you had a good time. Sounds like you behaved yourself. Gonna have to get your dad back on track too.

7:29 AM EST  

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