Friday, October 23, 2009

Cleaning house

Hey Y'all,

We have been cleaning house today. We have more to do tomorrow. The realtor is coming tomorrow to look at our place to see about putting it up for sale. We are hoping to get a good price out of it. We'll see how it goes tomorrow afternoon (Friday).

K is going up to Atlanta in the morning to visit friends and family up there. She'll be gone for the weekend.

We got some more bills in today that we found out we didn't pay last month because of our coming and going, they got forgoten. That means this month we pay double. That sucks believe me. Especially this month while things are tight. Somehow we will make it thru. Not sure how, but we will. Mabe I'll hit the lottery LOL. Which reminds me, I have to get my ticket tomorrow. If you don't play, you can't win. We only play 5 bucks and sometimes buy some scratch offs. We have to go back to the grocery store soon. The last time we went we had won enough on scratch offs to buy us some groceries. It was nice.

I know it sounds bad, but we are doing OK right now. We all eat everyday and have what we need to get by. We can't go out and do like we use to and we're spending a lot of time at home. But it's OK. I'm praying, so I know things will look up. They always do for the most part. Tough times are everywhere.

Well Y'all take it easy!


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