Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good day today

Hey Y'all,

Had a good day today. Me and our friend we are staying with rode to Augusta to the VA. I picked up my meds and got a flu vacination shot. Everything worked out and was in order when I got there, so we didn't have to spend a lot of time. It was a enjoyable trip.

C went with our friend we are staying with (there are two of them) to go with J for her doctors appointment. After that they went to Atlanta because our friends sister was having a baby. They got to see a newborn little girl.We came home and went out for some excellent mexican food. Aww man it was great! I am stuffed like pinata. If you were to hit me with a stick I would explode!

Now we are back and relaxing. I may even get in bed at a decent hour again tonight.

Y'all take it easy!


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