Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday Night

Hey Y'all,
I up late on the computer. Was fixin' to shut it off and realized I hadn't updated my blog.

I took Harley to the vets today. He got his rabies shot and nails clipped. They gave him a clean bill of health. Told me his balls dropped and wanted to know if I wanted to get him neutered. They say neutering is good, but it seems mean to me.

K is feeling better but still running a fever from time to time. She went out with her boyfriend and his family, shopping and to a movie. She must be feeling better if she got out of the house today.

C and I went to the waffle house for supper and over to some friends house to visit. That was our date for the week. I was supposed to be at a employee meting at my work but my boss talked to me and said I didn't need to come to it. That freed my evening up for C and I to do something.

I ordered a piece of mahogany online for the base for my cremation urn. Now all I have to do is wait for the marble and wood to come in and find a cabinet shop to make my wood "box" for the marble to fit in. Later on comes finding the right bolts and drilling the holes for mounting and assembly. The ornament is another story. It's all coming along a little at a time.

Well, I don't know of much.
Y'all take care!


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