Monday, March 24, 2008

Another day off

Howdy folks,
Got to see dad today. He was doing O.K. I did some running around town for him today. That man is a good guy. I'm proud of my dad. He does so many good things for a lot of different things and people he believes in. It's his way of staying connected I guess. I hope I am like him in a lot of ways.

Got some of my parts in that I need for my project. That puts me one step closer. My wood and marble arrived today. Now I have to get the wood to the right proportions and the edges routed. I have a friend that I think I can hit up for that. I have decided not to do a "box" but rather do a flat piece of wood and glue and screw the marble to it. The way the marble is cut and polished it will look better that way.

Tonight K cooked a ham. We had that and red potatoes for supper. It was good. K's boyfriend J came and had supper with us.

C is now watching T.V. and I have started relaxing with the computer.

Y'all take care!!


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