Sunday, February 06, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Hey Y'all,
I made it out of the house today a couple of times. Both times to Wal mart. We had spaghetti for supper tonight and I had to pick up some stuff. Later on I picked up some stuff for the game.

I don't like to watch football. Could care less about it. I do have to admit there are some good commercials that come on during the super bowl. C is the big game watcher. She doesn't watch football any other time of the year, but she does like to watch the super bowl. I was going to watch it tonight, but I find myself bored with it, so here I sit on the computer.

Well, Take it easy!

Note later in the evening: I decided to sit in there with C and watch the game. I actually ended up enjoying it. The commercials didn't end up wowing me. but I enjoyed the game.


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