Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In the mountains

Hey Y'all,

C went to her appointment at the VA in Atlanta. We left there and met J and the grand baby for his appointment this afternoon. I met my grandson for the first time today and held him briefly. He is a beautiful baby. Of course I am prejudice. He is so small with his little fingers and those eyes that are always looking around taking things in. He sure takes to a bottle well.

We came on up and went to the auction tonight. It was good, but there weren't a lot of people selling. It ended early enough we were able to go by the grocery store on the way back to the motel room. C and I had sandwiches and I had some fruit too.

C has recently gone to sleep. I am having trouble feeling sleepy. I am tired, sore and weary, but not sleepy. Hopefully I will feel sleepy soon, so I can get some rest.

My pain meds will be running out before I can get some more. I am going to be miserable after tomorrow. I have them ordered. Hopefully I can get them before thanksgiving. If not, I suffer. Done it before. Just don't like it that's all.

Well take it easy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Cornbread! I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and C and all your family.

10:38 PM EST  

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