Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Looney toons in the swamp

Hey Y'all,
Went and saw the shrink at the VA today. He changed up some of my meds because I have been having some problems. Hopefully this will straiten them out. As the doc put it today "it is a little bit of a bumpy road when we are changing medications. We will meddle with them until things get better" In the mean time I have a lot to deal with.

I am tired, I went by dads house and met my brother, sister in law and my nieces step son. They loaded some stuff in my truck and I brought it back home. We have to get stuff out of there by Monday so the cleaners can come in. I have got to where I hate going over there because I get depressed. I miss my dad and that was the house I grew up in. Now it is going away and I have to be a part of it. I guess that's life. It tells me I am not over the grief yet.

I am home relaxing and reflecting on the day. It has been a long one, but overall good. So I shouldn't complain.

Y'all take it easy!


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