Saturday, June 06, 2009

Another rainy day in the swamp

Hey Y'all,
We got C a new phone today. My contract was up for renewal. We got her a samsung delve and put it on her line. It's one of those touch screen ones. C likes it and is learning it.

We went to motorcycle club church tonight. We were late because I overslept. I laid down to take a nap and the next thing I knew C was coming out of the bedroom hollering "turn that damn alarm off!" It had only been going off for a hour, and it was time then for us to leave the house. We hurried up and got out the door. C got me a birthday cake since we didn't get to celebrate my birthday when I was locked up in the loony bin.

We are home relaxing. C is watching T.V. K got off work and has gone to bed. She had a long evening because she had to come in early to work.

Well, take it easy and take care!!


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