Monday, February 14, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Hey Y'all,
The weather was very nice today in the 50's. I got outside once to go to Wal mart. I will be glad when spring gets here and I can get some relief on my power bill. So far every month this winter the actual bill has been over 400 bucks per month. Something has to be wrong somewheres.

We had tacos for supper tonight. Cheap N easy. There really isn't much to tell. C's dad went to the hospital tonight to find out why he has been feeling bad for the last week or so. It came back that his thyroid was out of whack. They are working with him to get it fixed.

Tomorrow is Valentines day. P's mommy is going to take him for awhile so C and I can go spend some time together. I am looking forwards to it.

We Y'all Take Care!


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