Sunday, July 31, 2011

The boogy man is out there!!!

Hey Y'all,
Well it looks like congress has reached a solution on America's debt. Praise the lord, because if I don't get a check the bills don't get paid and I don't eat. Nobody does including C, P the grand, C's parents and niece.

We have C's parents over every night to have supper. They are in worse shape than we are right now. There is many times that if they don't come over here to eat, they go a whole day without eating. At least this way we know they are getting one good meal a day. Sometimes they pay us back by taking us out to eat at the first of the month when they get paid.

Well Take Care!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hey You!!!

Hey Y'all,
I ain't got a lot to report tonight. As long as Obama doesn't take away my check this coming month, I think we'll be OK. I am looking forward to paying a few bills. It always makes me feel good to know I am taking care of my responsibilities. Thank God I have C to help me get things organized to pay everything.

Well Take Care!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sleepy , Lazy Day

Hey Y'all,
I slept most of the day. P the grand woke us up about 0700. C let me go back to sleep and she watched P. I slept till 3 o'clock or so. I have been so sleepy today.

My oldest step daughter is giving us fits because she is getting kicked out of her place and we told her she can't move here. She is going to have to figure it out. She has burned her bridge with us. She has burned her bridges with a lot of people. Were not shure what she is going to do. I don't think she knows either.

Take Care!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Went to the farmers market today

Hey Y'all,
We went to the farmers market this morning. It was sparse by the time we got there. We bought some local grown corn.

Tomorrow or today as it past midnight, Is C's birthday. I gave her a nightgown tonight at midnight for her birthday. She really likes it. I am going to surprise her again, Ha Ha. I Love her so much!

Well Have a good one!

Friday, July 22, 2011

It's hot in the foothills

Hey Y'all,
just sitting up watching some TV with C. Last week I slipped and fell down the steps on my back. It is slowly getting better.

We have got some rain off and on. But it has mostly been hot. My tomatoes are growing. We are waiting for the next crop to come in. We already ate the first crop that came in. The ones from the first crop were small.

Well Y'all, I am going to go fix me a bologna sandwich.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fire Dept. was at the house today

Hey Y'all,
One of the smoke detector/ carbon monoxide detector malfunctioned. I was at wal mart when C called me. I told her to open a door and turn on the vent fan over the stove. She called the fire dept. They came out and checked things out. They were leaving when I got home. We ended up having to take down all the smoke detectors to get them to stop chirping. We think it may be one malfunctioning or having a low battery. We will get it fixed in the next couple of days.

Well that was our excitement for today.
Y'all Take it easy!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Been sleeping a lot

We made it back from south Ga. Sunday evening. We had a blast while we were down there. We stayed up one night till 4am chatting with my brother and sister in law.

I have found it hard to get motivated since we got back. I have been sleeping a lot till on up into the afternoon. Like 3pm or later. It's not good I know, but it is what it is.

Well Take it easy!

Friday, July 08, 2011

Going on a trip

Hey Y'all,
Were going back home to south Ga. It will be for a few days. We have some stuff to do with the club and see family and friends. It's going to be a short trip packed with a lot of things to do and people to see. I hope we don't spread ourselves to thin.

We are really looking forwards to going down there. We haven't made that trip in a long time. We both need a break. This is coming at the right time. We have only been back once since we moved up here to the foothills. It's such a long drive and money is tight.

I won't be on here for a few days because I will be away from the computer.

Take Care!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Rained on yesterday for the fourth.

Hey Y'all,
We went to see the fire works. I have been depressed and wasn't feeling like sticking with the crowd so I stayed in the truck. Lucky for me because the bottom dropped out with rain. Most of the people we were there with got soaked. We left before the fireworks because we were tired of getting soaked and it was hard to keep up with the baby out in the weather.

We are going home this weekend to see Family and friends.

Take it easy!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Those summer days

Hey Y'all,
We are enjoying the summer days. If it gets too hot we simply go inside where there is plenty of A/C and things are cool.

I have sort of made up with the guy at the auction we had a problem with. C went to the auction again tonight and helped her dad sell cabbage patch kids again. They did pretty good.

Now she is home and watching TV. We are making our plans for the fourth. We expect to see our friends and have a good time.

Well Take it easy,