Thursday, May 05, 2011

Cool nights, warm afternoons.

Hey Y'all,
Today I spent laying around the house. C was gone helping her dad with his cabbage patch kids. He only has 3 or 400 of them. He is a collector from way back. He is selling some off. J had P the grand son till this afternoon. When she brought him home, he went down for a nap and didn't wake up till shortly before C got home from helping her dad.

C made meatloaf for supper tonight. It was really good. She cooked it in a pan designed just for meatloaf that her mom gave her. It's like a double pan that all the grease goes to the bottom.

C was really tired tonight. I went into her bedroom a few minutes ago and the light was out and she was snoring. I still had to do my pills. I don't know if she took hers or not.

Well Take 'um easy!


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