Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fun much deserved weekend

Hey Y'all,
Saturday C and I made arrangements for P the grand to be took care of all day. That enabled us to go to the national presidents meeting which was going on only a hundred miles away in SC. We spent the day there and got to see a lot of people we know in the club from all over the nation. It was hot as blue blazes over there.

We came home and fell asleep before midnight. P the grand slept late which let us sleep late. We got up kinda late for a church Pic Nic. We made it out to the state park and there was a full service going on. After the service we had a picnic and P the grand had a good time. He got to run around and play and get all dirty. We had to go from there to meet some more of our family at a pizza place a long ways away from the state park.

C has been driving all this weekend. She is super tired. I drove very little this weekend. We will sleep very well tonight.

Take Care!


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