Thursday, July 30, 2009

Momma cat is minus one

Hey Y'all,
Today was a pretty good day. I stayed up way past daylight to like 9:30 this morning. C got up early and we went to breakfast.

This afternoon after I got up we caught the gray bob tail tabby kitten. We took it to the groomer and she got the fleas off. Someone has been basically holding her and giving her lovin' ever since. She is a sweetheart. C and I named her Gracie. I fed her out of my hand and C got her to drink out of a measuring cup. She likes kitten chow. She likes licking our fingers after we ate. Her eyes are still blue and will turn grayish green when she is scared or nervous. She sleeps a lot and is sleeping on the bed while C is watching TV. She likes being around me and C. She is still getting to know K.

Molly our indoor cat doesn't know what to think of her. She has smelled Gracie all over but watches her and doesn't want to come up to her yet. She doesn't want to hurt her it's just Molly is still timid about this new addition to the family. We bought Molly a new scratching post to help her get over the stress. She really likes it. The old one is torn to shreds.

Well That's the big news today!
Take it easy,


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